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Research Tools in Egyptology


Admission requirements

BA degree or degree of equivalent level, preferably in Ancient History, Classics, or a comparative study.


Being an area study, Egyptology deals with a specific, geographically and historically defined society and culture. The sources available for this area are of many different types, which can be subsumed under the headings ‘textual’ and ‘archaeological’. Above all, Egyptology stands for an integrative approach to these sources. Despite its disciplinary pluriformity, it has a clearly defined research tradition reaching back for two centuries, the entire output of which is made accessible by Egyptological periodicals, monographs and online publications, as well as by centrally compiled bibliographies and other search tools.
In this course, the student is introduced to the nature of Egyptology as a scholarly subject, and to practical aspects of doing research in this field. The use of literature and reference works is explained, as is the range of digital research tools currently available.

Course objectives

  • understanding the objectives and methods of Egyptology as a scholarly field – being able to find one’s way in, and to work with, Egyptological literature and online resources – being able to identify the primary source material relevant to one’s research


semester 1, block 1
Wednesday, 11 AM – 1 PM – 3 lectures (1. Introduction to Egyptology; 2. Egyptological literature; 3. Egyptian source material): 15, 22 and 29 September – discussion of assignments: 6 and 13 October – submitting essay and bibliography: 20 October

Mode of instruction

Lectures, assignments; collective discussion of assignments; personal discussion of essay

Assessment method

Essay presenting the state of knowledge and discussion of a particular research topic within the wider context of Egyptology, accompanied by a bibliography including the most important and recent of relevant titles.


Research tools in Egyptology

Reading list

Reader ‘Research tools in Egyptology’ in Blackboard module.
Further reading to be announced during the course.


Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Study in Leiden website for information on how to apply

Contact information

Dr B.J.J. Haring
Matthias de Vrieshof 4, room 205A
P.O. Box 9515
Nl-2300 RA Leiden
+ 31 71 527 4170

Remarks –