The security and defence of Europe has been at the centre of the European political process since 1945 and remains so today. Who does what to secure whom and how under the leadership of whom is about far more than the nuts and bolts of security and defence. Rather, it is the true bell-weather of Europe’s political determinism. This course of seven lectures will examine the evolution, shape, structure and challenges of European security and defence. At its heart the course will distinguish between the hyper-political issue of security and the hyper-expensive cost of defence and the delicate balance Europeans have tried to strike. Seen through the lens of the Euro-Atlantic community, the EU and the wider European community the course will establish the historical, theoretical, institutional and political drivers of European security and defence.
Methods of Instruction
Each lecture will be roughly 45 minutes in length, followed by an interactive exchange with students on the basis of critical essays on assigned readings.
Venuberg Group (2007) “Beyond 2010: European Grand Strategy in a Global Age” (Gutersloh: Bertelsmann) pp 1-68 T (2009) “The European Union, a Regional Security Actor with Global Aspirations” in Tardy T. (Ed) “European Security in a Global Context” (London: Routledge) pp.15-37
Lindley-French J. (2007) “The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: The Enduring Alliance” (London:Routledge) pp.1-145
Lindley-French J (2002) “Why European Defence is Failing” in International Affairs Vol 78, Number 4, October 2002. pp 798-811
Lindley-French J. (2008) “A Chronology of European Security and Defence 1945-2007” (Oxford: Oxford University Press) pp 1-36
Lindley-French J. (1998) “Time to Bite the Eurobullet”, New Statesman, June 1998 Vol 127 pp 38-39
Aldis A. & Herd G. (2005) “Managing Soft Security Threats: Current Progress and Future Prospects”, from Aldis A & Herd G. (ed) “Soft Security Threats and European Security”, (London: Routledge) pp 169-186
European Security Strategy (2003) pp1-15
NATO Strategic Concept (1999)
Dagand S. (2008) “The Impact of the Lisbon Treaty on CFSP and ESDP”, PP1-7
Total pages: 659
To be announced.
Pieter de la Courtbuilding, Leiden:
Tuesday 26 October, till 7 December 11.00-13.00 hrs., in SA31 (except 26 October SA21, 30 November and 7 December SA29) and
Friday 10 December, 11.00-13.00 hrs., 5A41