Admission requirements
In the course International law in practice students are asked to – fictitiously – participate in the proceedings of a pending (possibly slightly amended or simplified) case before the ICJ. All phases of the proceedings are included: (i) provisional measures, (ii) preliminary objections, and (iii) merits. Students are given specific roles in the cases, either as counsel of one of the States involved. Each student must prepare a written brief / judgment and must present its brief / judgment orally. Students should also cooperate in groups as different counsel acting on behalf of one State.
Course objectives
Objectives of the course
The course aims to train the ability to investigate independently or in small groups relevant issues of both procedural and substantive law on the basis of knowledge gained in courses over the year. The writing and oral skills of students as developed throughout the year are further improved in this course.
Achievement levels
Knowledge: After a successful completion of this course, the student has acquired knowledge of legal rules pertaining to a specific field of law, depending on the case chosen.
Academic skills and attitude: The course aims at training the ability to investigate independently or in small groups relevant issues of both procedural and substantive law on the basis of knowledge gained in courses over the year. On the basis of this work, students should provide legal advice within a relatively short period of time. Students will have to use their academic skills and their creativity in finding arguments to defend a particular position. The writing and oral skills of students as developed throughout the year are further improved in this course.
Mode of instruction
Number of (2 hour) lectures: 10
Names of lecturers: Dr. F. Baetens, LL.M., Dr. L.J. van den Herik
Required preparation by students: Students must cooperate as a team to prepare a written work (“memorial”) as well as an oral presentation (“pleading”).
Other methods of instruction
Assessment method Examination form(s)- Paper (50%)
Presentation (50%)
Oral Presentation:Each student has to cooperate with her or his team to present their oral arguments during the pleading rounds, as well as reply to questions pertaining to the facts and legal questions of the case in particular as well as underlying rules and principles of general public international law.
The dates and formalities concerning the pleadings will be announced on Blackboard and explained during the first introductory lecture.
Written Paper:Each student has to cooperate with her or his team to submit a memorial by the deadline as announced on Blackboard and in the introductory lecture.
The formalities in respect of the submission of the memorials will be announced on Blackboard and explained during the first introductory lecture.
Submission procedures
To be announced.
Areas to be tested within the exam
The examination syllabus consists of the required reading (literature) for the course, the course information guide and the subjects taught in the lectures, the seminars and all other instructions which are part of the course.
More information on this course is offered in “Blackboard”:
Reading list Obligatory course materials Literature: None.
Course information guide:
Outline as posted on Blackboard
Recommended course materials
To be announced on Blackboard.
Registration None.
Contact information
Co-ordinator: Dr. F. Baetens LL.M.
Work address: KOG, Steenschuur 25
Contact information:
Telephone number: +31 71 527 7708
Institute: Public Law
Division: Public International Law
Room number secretariat: KOG, Office B1.21
Opening hours: 9.00-17.00 hrs
Telephone number secretariat: 071-5277578
Remarks None.
Belangstellenden die deze cursus in het kader van contractonderwijs willen volgen (met tentamen), kunnen meer informatie vinden over kosten, inschrijving, voorwaarden, etc. op de website van Juridisch PAO.