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Political-administrative relations


Political-administrative relations

The course will deal with developments in the relationship between politicians and civil servants and the increasing tensions in that area. For a long time there has been a clear and stable relationship between politicians and civil servants in which everybody knew his or her role. As Donald Savoie once called it: there was a bargain between the two in which the civil service gave competent, frank and unpartisan advice, in return for a life long employment and a reasonable salary. But things have changed. It started with Yes, Minister which incited scepticism about the role and power of the civil service. Though it was a comedy, Yes, Minister was considered by a lot of people and not the least by politicians to be a documentary. Decreasing trust in government contributed to the increase of the tensions, whereby civil servants often became the scapegoats for failing government performance. Bureaucrat bashing was a tune that was often played. The increasing complexity of today’s policymaking, with its complicated networks in which accountability and responsibility lost their original clearness, will be part of the analysis. The role of the media and lobbyists in this respect will also be examined. Since the rising tension is an international and not only a Dutch phenomenon also comparable developments in similar countries, like Canada, Australia, Sweden and Denmark, will be analysed. Important part of the course is an exchange of ideas with insiders of the political-administrative arena. Goal of the course is to gain further insight and to develop new ideas to manage the tensions and to increase effectiveness and responsiveness of the government.

*Coordinator *
prof. mr. Roel Bekker

Teaching format
The seminar contains seven modules with a mixture of theory and practice. One of the modules is an intensive dialogue with politicians and others from the practice of politics, lobby, civil service and media. The theoretical part is a combination of lectures, case studies and working projects.

Course material
To be announced

Examination will cover the knowledge and comprehension of developments and the major trends in political-administrative relations. Students will have to prepare a policy document on a given subject in which the relationship plays a role, e.g. answers to questions of Parliament on the behaviour of civil servants in a specific case (50%). They have to give an oral presentation of their document (20%) and have to defend it answering questions of the audience (including the teacher) (30%).

5/11 t/m 17/12 from 10-13 uur in: 5/11 1A22, 12/11 and 3/12: OA33, 19/11: 1A33, 26/11: 1A27,10/12: 5a42, 17/12: 1A15

This schedule is subject to change.

Latest update: August 28, 2010