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European Foreign and Security Policy


Admission requirements

Admission to the Master EUS.


The course aims at defining the scope and limitations of CFSP and ESDP in the double context of continuing European integration and changing transatlantic relations. It will trace the historical developments from Western European Union and European Political Co-operation to the pillar structure of the European Union and to the draft European Constitution. Attention will be paid to operations in Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Afghanistan and Iraq as case studies and to European attempts at ‘autonomous’ crisis management. At the conceptual level the course will focus on the relationship between ‘commutautarian’ integration and intergovernmental co-operation and the modalities of ‘closer co-operation’ and ‘constructive abstention’ In addition, the different solidarity clauses will be discussed including those in the constitution, as well as the European Defence Agency, which will combine requirements, research and technology, procurement and evaluation, and possible scenarios for European action. Another aspect will be the international parliamentary assemblies.

Course objectives

Students will acquire insight into the difference between communautarian integration and international cooperation and will be able to merge both into a coherent policy for the EU as a global player. They will be familiar with the new instruments of the Lisbon Treaty, the relationships with other international organizations, the structure of CFSP and CSDP and the building up of military capabilities, the legitimacy of hard power and soft power, the difference between collective defence and peace support operations, and the connection between security and development.



Mode of instruction


Assessment method

Essay and presentation.


Yes, see the site.

Reading list


  • Steven Blockmans (ed.) The European Union and Crisis management. Policy and legal aspects. Asser Press, 2008

  • Fraser Cameron, An introduction to European Foreign Policy. Routledge, 2007

  • C. Hill and M.Smith, International Relations and the European Union, Oxford, 2005, Chapter 9

  • Willem van Eekelen, Debating European Security, Sdu/CEPS, 1998

  • Willem van Eekelen, From Words to Deeds, The Continuing Debate on European Security, CEPS/DCAF 2006

  • General Sir Rupert Smith, The utility of force. The art of war in the modern world. Allen Lane, 2007

Selected Articles

  • B. Crum, Parliamentarization of the CFSP through informal institution-making? The fifth European Parliament and the EU High Representative. Journal of European public policy, 2006

  • B. Giegerich and E. Gros, Squaring the Circle. Leadership and Legitimacy in European Security and Defence Cooperation International Politics, 43, 4 (2006) 500-509.

  • A. Hyde-Price, Normative’power Europe: a realist critique. Journal of European Public Policy, 13, 2 (2006) 217-234.

  • E.J. Kirchner, The Challenge of European Union Security Governance Journal of Common Market Studies 44, 5 (2006) 947–968.

  • A. Missiroli, EU Enlargement and the CFSP/ESDP Journal of European Integration, 25, 1, (2003) 1-16.

  • H. Ojanen, The EU and NATO: Two Competing Models for a Common Defence Policy Journal of Common Market Studies, 44, 1 (2006) 57–76.

  • T. Salmon, The European Union: Just an alliance or a military alliance, Journal of Strategic Studies, 29, 5 (2006) 813


Via uSis
See also: registration and admission requirements for the Master EUS

Contact information

Dr. W.F. van Eekelen.