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MA Thesis Tutorial Classics and Ancient Near Eastern Civilisations (Research)



This tutorial is an individual tutorial in preparation for the MA thesis Classics and Ancient Near Eastern Civilisations (research). Students should contact their thesis advisor to agree on the specific form and contents of the tutorial (e.g. a reading list, discussions or short essays about secondary literature).


To be determined with the thesis advisor.

Mode of instruction

Individual study; tutorial.

Assessment method

Depends on the form and contents of the tutorial.


Via Usis

Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Study in Leiden website for information on how to apply.

Contact information

For questions concerning this component of the programme please contact the coordinators of studies of your specialisation track. E-mail: <>.

J.K. Bosscher MA:
Tracks: Classics, New Testament and Early Christian Studies

dr. M.F.J. Baasten:
Tracks Assyriology, Egyptology, Hebrew Bible Studies