
nl en

Internship Coach for Learning and Development


NB Language spoken in course is Dutch unless English-speaking students participate

Admission requirements



The internship consists of two parts.

Part one
In the first block, students will complete an internship for 5 ects. This internship will consist of a series of practical experiences to familiarize the students with the ‘sociale kaart. Students will be required to visit schools and interview ‘zorg-coördinatoren’ in those schools about the nature of their work. Students will also collect examples of ‘handelingplannen’ from the schools. Students will make a list of external ‘instellingen’ that work with the schools to address the problems experienced by students. Finally, a panel session will be organized in which ‘zorg-coördinatoren’ from various schools are invited to come to the University and discuss various issues with the students.

Part two
During the second part of the internship (10 ects, block 2 and 3) students will gain practical experience as an internal ‘begeleider’ within a secondary school setting. The focus will be on the following: identifying the types of problems addressed by ‘begeleiders’ in the school; determining whether the problems should be addressed within the school or with help from outside sources; implementing a process for analyzing the problems and formulating potential solutions to the problems; creating a data base of possible intervention approaches for learning and behavior problems presented by secondary-school students; working with school personnel to implement the intervention program; collecting data to determine the effectiveness of the intervention program. Students will also reflect upon and discuss their experiences.

Course objectives

Achievement levels: 1-19


To be announced.

Mode of instruction

Part one and two: combination of lectures and discussion.

Assessment method

Part one: portfolio developed throughout the internship period will be graded on a scale of 1 to 10.
Part two: internship will be graded on basis of feedback from the supervisor and on basis of final report.


During this course Blackboard will be used.

Reading list

For part one of the internship:

  • Ledoux, G., Karsten, S., Breetvelt, I., Emmelot, Y., & Hiem, M. (2006). Vernieuwing van zorgstructuren in het primair en voortgezet onderwijs: Een analystische evaluatie van de herijking van het zorgbeleid.

Contact information

Part 1: Mitch van Geel
Part 2: Siuman Chung