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European Migration Law


Admission requirements

Admission to the Master EUS.


European migration law is a field governed by human rights treaties and European Union Law. Human rights play a predominant role in immigration law. Treaties like the Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees, the European Convention on Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention Against Torture, limit the discretion of states in shaping immigration policies. For member states of the European Union, this discretion is further limited by EU Law. The free movement of persons has been one of the fundamental freedoms since the establishment of the EU. With the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam in May 1999, legislation on immigration and asylum regarding third country nationals has also become a Union competence. Until now, several Regulations and Directives on for example the free movement of persons, asylum, family reunification and border control have been adopted. During the course the establishment, content and implications of European migration law will be discussed

Course objectives



See uSis

Mode of instruction


Assessment method




Reading list

To be announced


Via uSis
See also: registration and admission requirements for the Master EUS