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Brazilian Chair Minor 2014: Understanding Brazil, a geographical reading


Admission requirements



Until the 20th Century, Brazil’s territorial occupation has been mainly concentrated less than 100 kilometres from the Atlantic Ocean coast. During the second half of that century began an intensive occupation towards the West.
Nowadays Brazil presents a territorial occupation very different from other Latin American countries, with many huge agglomerations with more than 2 million inhabitants in the hinterlands, Amazonia included.
Moreover, due to migration processes this march towards the West has its roots in State programmes and actions implemented before and during the Military Dictatorship (1964-1985).
In order to give a general overview concerning urbanization and the territorial occupation in Brazil this course explores how the relation among State, economic and institutional factors have contributed to configure the contemporary Brazilian spatial organization. Thus it provides, in a first unit, a geographical and historical approach on the former territorial occupation during colonial time. Followed, in a second unit, by an analysis on the history of urbanization and industrialization process intertwined with the role of the State and planning during the 20th Century (prior, during and following the Military Dictatorship) in order to show the building and changes of Brazilian State as well as its actions over social space. The third and last unit will show the changes on spatial organization due to neoliberalism and economic restructuring in the nineties as the urban divide, changes in migrations, medium-sized cities growth, metropolisation and territorial integration, as well the increasing occupation of the hinterland.

Course objectives



Mode of instruction


Assessment method

Short essay


Blackboard will be used to post all the necessary information about the course (programme, time tables, announcements, etc.). Also notices will be posted on interesting activities (such as Conferences, workshops, expositions, etc.), which are related to the themes analyzed during the course.

Reading list



Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Study in Leiden website for information on how to apply

Contact information

Dr. M.L. Wiesebron. Tel.: 071-527 2063

