
nl en

Elective: Statistics


Admission requirements


This course will cover the basics of descriptive and inferential statistics needed for the analysis and presentation of experimental and/or quantitative data in linguistic/ phonetic research. We will also have occasion to introduce applications of more advanced data processing techniques (multiple regression, multifactorial Analysis of Variance, Linear Discriminant Analysis).

Course objectives

Students will get hands-on experience with state-of-the-art statistical analysis software (SPSS, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, software will be made available).


The timetable will be available by June 1st at the website of Linguistics

Mode of instruction

Lecture series

Assessment method

There will be a written test at the end of the course. Also, students will do weekly assignments and exercises (using SPSS) and submit all output before the written test.


Will be used for providing materials and power point presentations. Blackboard

Reading list

The basic techniques will be studied on the basis of Ch. Butler (1985) Statistics in Linguistics (chapters downloadable from the Blackboard site). An updated timetable detailing which chapters will be covered in which week will be available from the Blackboard site two weeks before the start of the semester.


Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Study in Leiden website for information on how to apply.

Application for Contractonderwijs

After application, students can register for courses and exams through uSis

Contact information

Prof. dr. V.J.J.P. van Heuven


Registration for this course in uSis on BA level as well.