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History Seminar: Anti-Catholicism, the VOC, and the Making of Japan (1550-1850)





This seminar studies Dutch VOC records and the social history of anti-Catholic activity in Japan to understand the role of religion and foreign trade in the establishment of a cohesive Japanese state and commercial sphere in the early-modern period (1550-1850). During this period of Japanese history the state for the first time took control of the territory of modern Japan, language was standardized, literacy increased and foreign trade was regulated. A monetarized economy with complex financial instruments developed which united production, trade and distribution mechanisms throughout the archipelago, thereby providing the building blocks for the later rapid modernization of Japan.
This seminar investigates the major role played by religious policy, in particular the regulation of Buddhism and banning and suppression of Catholicism, in the development of this early-modern Japanese state. In Phase One (the first half of the semester) the seminar concentrates on lectures and readings of secondary literature about state development in this period and the role of religion therein. In Phase Two (the second half of the semester) students work on small group research projects which use Dutch VOC trading records, in particular trading post diaries from Nagasaki, to gain an insight into the role of religion and politics in seventeenth century Japanese society. This seminar thereby gives students the chance to study Japanese history through primary source material, and to use commercial records to answer questions which relate primarily to political and religious history.


This seminar gives students the chance to study Japanese history through primary source material, and to use commercial records to answer questions which relate primarily to political and religious history.


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Keuze uit:

  • Werkcollege


28 uur per EC (voor een cursus van 5 ects is dit 140 uur, voor 10 EC 280)


50% Participation 50% Research Paper

Het eindcijfer voor het onderdeel is het gewogen gemiddelde van de uitslagen voor de deeltoetsen, met dien verstande dat het onderdeel alleen voldoende kan zijn wanneer de student voor alle deeltoetsen een voldoende heeft behaald. Indien een of meer van de deeltoetsen onvoldoende zijn, ontvangt de student een onvoldoende (onv.) als uitslag voor het gehele onderdeel.




Kiri Paramore, Ideology and Christianity in Japan, New York: Routledge, 2009


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