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Clinical skills (Clinical assessment and treatment)


NB Language of instruction is Dutch.

Admission requirements

Entry requirement: Clinical Assessment and Treatment: general introduction

NB This course is mandatory for students in the Master’s specialisation Learning Problems and Impairments. For students who follow the Master’s specialisation Clinical Child and Adolescent Studies and wish to do a clinical internship and qualify for the NVO-registration Basis-Orthopedagoog this course is also mandatory.


During this course students in the master’s specialisations Clinical Child and Adolescent Studies (Orthopedagogiek) and Learning Problems and Impairments (Leerproblemen) are so equipped in regard to theory and practice that upon completion of their study they will have adequate scientific background to be able to properly move through the diagnostic and treatment cycle. Students are familiarised with the scientific and cyclic character of the process of diagnosis and treatment. After completion of the course they have sufficient theoretical knowledge with regard to the psychopathology of children and youth and the various fields of work to effectively design a diagnostic scenario, draw up a diagnose and set up a treatment plan.

Course objectives

Achievement levels: 1-2-4-5-6-7-8-10-12-13-14-15-16-18-19.



Mode of instruction

Seminar and demo’s. Attendance at all sessions is mandatory. If students are prevented from attending, they can not continue with the seminar or demo.

The seminar consists of a block of six half-day sessions of 2½ hours each (total 15 hours). The topics include:
The social work cycle: general
Interviewing (clinical assessment interview + advice) 1 half day

Assessing intelligence and educational level 2 half days
Personality testing: 1 half day
Profession code, child interview: 1 half day

Prognosis, treatment planning, reporting 1 half day

Upon completion of the seminar, students participate in a ‘demo’. During a demo students perform all steps in the diagnostic and treatment cycle. A demo consists of 8-10 half-day sessions; attendance of all sessions is mandatory.

Assessment method

The seminar will conclude with a test case/dossier and a paper. This must be turned in three weeks after the final seminar session.

The paper includes 1500-2000 words (excl. title page, table of contents, and reference list), letter size 12 (Arial/Times), line space 1.5. Literature search is performed by the students and needs to result into a minimum of 80% English-language, peer-reviewed articles with at least 3 recent references (2010 or later).

The demo will be concluded by handing in a complete dossier of the diagnostic and treatment cycle.

The paper and testcase/dossier are graded in a pass/fail manner; in case of a fail situation there will be opportunity for re-examination. A second fail requires re-examination in the following year.


During this course Blackboard is used.

Reading list

Familiarity with the book by Lang, G. & Molen, H.T. van der (2003), Psychologische gespreksvoering. Een basis voor hulpverlening is assumed. This book was previously used in the Practicum Gesprekstechnieken in the Bachelors programme.

  • Prins, P. & Pameijer, N. (2006). Richtlijnen voor diagnostiek, indicatiestelling en interventie. ISBN10: 9026517831/ ISBN13: 9789026517839

  • Reader Persoonlijkheidsonderzoek (available end of August 2014 through Readersonline).

  • Additional literature during the demo.


Please note that separate uSis registration is mandatory for lectures, seminars, exams and re-exams. Student who do not register, cannot attend courses or take exams.


  • Registration for the lectures of the course is possible as of two months through one week before the first lecture at the latest;

  • Registration for the seminars of the course is possible as of two months through one week before the first seminar at the latest.


Student must register for each exam through uSis. This is only possible until 10 calendar days before the exam. More information on exam registration

Contact information

Co-ordinator of this course is L. Verhaar, MSc