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Internship Educational Studies


NB Language spoken in course is Dutch unless English-speaking students participate

Admission requirements



Education and schooling are changing rapidly in terms requirements and demands of different stakeholders (state, labour market, teachers, parents and pupils), the pedagogies, didactics, educational technology and substantive knowledge bases used in education, and broader social developments (globalization, ethnic and cultural diversity, performance management, audit culture, changes in the composition of the teacher workforce, demographic developments) impacting the educational system.
Master students in our program have become acquainted with some of these developments through their courses and assignments. The internship program intends to relate the theoretical perspective to practical experience in the areas of teaching and research through active involvement.
The Master program Educational Studies prepares for teaching and research positions in the domain of education. The aim of the internship program is to offer opportunities for practice and preparation for future positions in this field.
The Internship program requires students to undertake both a teaching and a research project activity. In addition it requires students to actively participate in course activities.

The teaching internship is meant to build professional experience in an educational setting. This means that students become active in the design and development as well as the application of solutions for problems encountered in that setting. The research internship should provide the student with the opportunity of designing, executing an reporting research (and/or research-based development) activities carried out either in Educational Studies or in external organizations.

  1. Learning Outcomes

After completing the internship participants will be able to:
participate in a professional way in the practice of educational organizations
participate in professional ways in research commissioned by internal or external agents
critically apply and evaluate research-based solution models in educational settings
develop critical and theorized evaluations of educational problems
analyze and report on the suitability and feasibility of solutions for such problems in specific educational contexts
cooperate with professionals in education on educational artifacts or products
systematically describe and explicate the solution offered (both design process and result);

Course objectives

Achievement levels: 1, 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.



Mode of instruction

Practice assignments, workshops, lectures, group work.

Assessment method

Both the teaching and the research internship will be assessed on the basis of a final report. These reports will contain the following components:
1. a description of the (teaching or research) problem explored or task executed during the internship and a critical analysis of educational solution or approach chosen.
2. a reflection on one’s learning experiences during the internship given one’s learning goals, the work situation, work tasks and one’s activities and performance during these activities.


During this course Blackboard is used.

Reading list

Depending on the subject of study.


Please note that separate uSis registration is mandatory for lectures, seminars, exam and re-exam.

  • Registration for the lectures of the course is possible as of two months through one week before the first lecture at the latest;

  • Registration for the seminars of the course is possible as of two months through one week before the first lecture at the latest;

  • Registration for the exam is possible as of two months through one week before the exam at the latest;

  • Registration for the re-exam is possible as of two months through one week before the re-exam at the latest.

Students who don’t register cannot attend classes or take the (re)exam.

Contact information

Co-ordinator: Dr. F.J Glastra, room 4A44
In case of questions please make an appointment by mail.