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Orientation on Animal Biology and Disease Models


Admission requirements

This course is for MSc students in Biology.


Coordinator: Dr. A.H. Meijer


Lectures will be given by group leaders teaching in the Animal Biology and Disease Models specialisation, concentrated around the following themes: ‘Research into disease mechanisms using zebrafish as a model system’, ‘Evolutionary development research in vertebrates’, ‘Evolutionary development research in insects’, and ‘Behavioural Biology research in birds’. The lectures will provide an integrated overview on the research topics studied in the Animal Biology and Disease Models specialisation and will highlight the key scientific questions in the research fields covered by this specialisation. The most important research methods will be explained and advantages and pitfalls of these methods will be discussed. Tours of the research and animal facilities will be organized and some demonstrations will be given to illustrate the research methods.

Learning goals

Course objectives:

  • To provide students with an overview of the research fields covered by the Animal Biology and Disease Models specialisation

  • To introduce them to the basic concepts and the key scientific questions covered by those research fields

  • To familiarize students with the research and methods used within the research groups participating in the Animal Biology and Disease Models specialisation

  • To facilitate the choice for a first MSc research project, and to enable the planning of a concept program for the 2-years MSc specialisation.

Final qualifications:
A starting MSc student has an overview of research fields, basic scientific concepts, key scientific questions, research topics, and research methods connected with the Animal Biology and Disease Models specialisation. This will allow him/her to make well-informed choices for establishing his/her concept MSc study program and arranging his/her first Research Project.


From 1 September to 12 September 2014. Programme details will be announced via Blackboard.
Week 1: from Monday to Friday lecture programme in the mornings, on some days followed by a tour of the facilities and demonstrations; rest of the afternoons free for self-study.
Week 2: from Monday to Wednesday, lecture programme in the mornings, on some days followed by a tour of the facilities and demonstrations; rest of the afternoons time for self-study. Thursday: free to prepare for exam; Friday exam, followed by an information and question session with the Animal Biology staff on how to plan the MSc course program and arrange internships.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, lab tours and demonstrations

Assessment method



The schedule for this course, powerpoints of the lectures, and selected review articles for self study will be placed on blackboard.

Reading list

Four selected review articles (to be announced via Blackboard) covering the themes ‘Disease mechanisms research using zebrafish as a model system’, ‘Evolutionary development research in vertebrates’, Evolutionary development research in insects, and ‘Behavioural Biology research in birds’.


Via USIS and enroll in Blackboard

Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Prospective students website for more information on how to apply.


For students who follow the specialisation Animal Biology and Disease Models, the orientation on Animal Biology and Disease Models course can be replaced by an Orientation Course from a different specialisation.