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Wiskunde Basisvaardigheden

  1. Toegangseisen (Admission requirements)

Your high school mathematics should be up to scratch. We will check this digitally; via sowiso. You will get several chances to redo the test until you pass it. To pass this test is obligatory.
NB: Dit vak wordt in het Nederlands gegeven.

Beschrijving (Description)

The language used by physicist is mathematics. It is important that mathematics for physicist is primarily taught by mathematicians. You should be immersed and confronted with these particular approaches and attitudes. On top of this physicist need some extra skills when it comes to mathematics; e.g. a stronger emphasis on the ability to create your own little mathematical toolbox for a particular problem at hand – not just the ability to apply a technique or showing the correctness of it but also the ability to modify it, adapt it, misuse it out of it context et cetera. First steps in the development of these skills are taken in this course.

Your mathematical development proceeds slower than what is needed for the physics courses taught in the first year. An attempt is made to close this gap by means of this extra course.

Leerdoelen (Course objectives)

Your high-school mathematics will be tested/ brought up to scratch using an electronic testing method provided by sowiso.
The subject teachers made a list of all the mathematical skills not covered by the first year mathematics program needed for the physics subjects of the first year. This list is much to long to be covered in the amount of time provided for this course. A syllabus will be provided at the beginning of the course both on paper and accessible digitally via the website (password “Math2015!”) covering the whole list of subjects. In the course itself we will be cherry picking from this list; concentrating on

  • Complex representations: Euler, phasors, et cetera

  • Differential equations

  • Coordinate representations

  • Technical tricks such as Taylor’s approximation, separation of variables et cetera

Rooster (Timetable)


Onderwijsvorm ( Mode of instruction)

9 times 2 lectures: Approximately half of each two lectures will be reserved for students to make assignments. Assistance is provided.
It is strongly recommended to work in fixed groups!!!

Toetsing ( Assessment method)

To pass this course you have to
1) Get a satisfactory grade (6 or higher) for your SoWieSo test
2) Either
Make all three extra provided homework assignments to a satisfactory level. Although we promote teamwork these assignments should be made individually. So learn from one another but draw your own conclusions. Plagiarism is deadly. The standard of your answers should be that it convinces the critical reader of its correctness. Each assignment will be graded separately for being either “unsatisfactory”, “satisfactory” or “good”. All three of them should pass musterd.
Take the final written test at the end of the course
We will only differentiate between “pass” or “fail”


Yes, but a lot of the digitally provided reading material will also be published on due to the limitations of blackboard.
The password to get access to the information will be on Blackboard.
To access Blackboard you require an ULCN-account. Blackboard UL

Literatuur ( Reading list)

Your Calculus book
The provided syllabus
The website password (see Blackboard)


Contactgegevens docent: Dr.U.Wyder (Urs)

Opmerkingen (Remarks)

It is strongly recommended to work in groups. You can learn a lot from your fellow students! In general, they are a strongly underestimated source of information.
It is not for nothing that visiting hours are included as contact information. Be pro active in your learning. If you do not understand something come and ask.
The coordination with the course called “Analyse” is done as best as possible. Still a certain amount of overlap cannot be avoided.