Admission requirements
It is a common misconception that any native speaker of Dutch who has a reasonable working knowledge of the English language is qualified to be a translator. The aim of this introductory course on translation is to familiarize its participants with the challenges a translator faces. In tutorial, we discuss the translations and editing assignments you have prepared at home. There will be two written translation examinations: one in the Reading Week and one at the end of the course.
Course objectives
Ability to translate reasonably complex English texts that do not contain specialist information or terminology into grammatically and stylistically correct Dutch – with the aid of dictionaries and thesauri.
Ability to edit Dutch texts.
The timetable will be available by June 1st on the website
Mode of instruction
- One 90-minute tutorial per week.
Course Load
The total course load is 280 hours (10 EC), allocated as follows:
Lecture and tutorial attendance: 28 hours.
Studying compulsory literature: 24 hours.
Translations and test preparation 224 hours.
Translation tests: 4 hours.
Assessment method
Midterm translation test (40%)
End-of-term translation test (60%)
To pass the course, you need to get no lower than a 6.0 pass for each test.
For this course attendance is compulsory. Unauthorized absence will mean that you cannot take the relevant test(s). Furthermore, you need to have handed in paper copies of the translations before each tutorial to be allowed to sit the tests.
Blackboard will be used to provide students with an overview of current affairs, as well as specific information about (components of) the course.
Reading list
Introduction to translation from English to Dutch: Reader available from Blackboard.
Renkema, J. (2012). Schrijfwijzer. Den Haag: Sdu.
Enrollement trough uSis is mandatory.
Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs
Registration Studeren à la carte via:
Registration Contractonderwijs via:
Contact details
English Language and Culture student administration, P.N. van Eyckhof 4, room 102C. Tel. 071 5272144;
Coordinator of studies: Ms T.D. Obbens, MA, P.N. van Eyckhof 4, room 103C.