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Preventing Terrorism in Multicultural Europe



Why do people decide to kill for political ideas? What can be done to prevent that from happening? Are counter-terrorist policies efficient? What are their “secondary consequences” in terms of discrimination and stigmatisation, in particular in Europe’s multicultural societies? This seminar will explore these pressing issues by looking at theoretical and empirical and the policy sides of these questions. Students will be acquire the critical skills to make sense of contemporary debates on terrorism, foreign fighters, mass surveillance or islamophobia.

Methods of Instruction

Seminar courses


Books, book chapters and articles available in the Leiden University Library


Reaction papers and Participation (30%) 1 oral presentation & policy paper (30%), 1 final research paper (40%)

Admission requirements



Master students that started their studies in September 2015 can register for one seminar in uSis from Tuesday 8 December 10.00 hrs. until Tuesday 15 December 10.00 hrs.

For Master students that start their studies in February 2016 registration is possible from Wednesday 13 January 2016, 10.00 hrs. until 20 January 2016, 10.00 hrs. Please send an e-mail with your full name, student number and preference for your seminar courses to the Institute Secretariat at You will receive an auto-reply with a confirmation that we have received your e-mail. You will be informed about the seminars for which you have been registered before 1 February 2016.

Please note that elective seminars have a maximum number of participants and placement is subject to availability. Registration is on a first come first served basis.

