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History of Contemporary Music Composition



This course gives the student a chance to explore in detail many of the main currents and counter-currents of thought and practice in composed music since the Second World War. We will discuss the aesthetics, the compositional techniques and the career histories of many of the most influential artists who came to prominence in these decades. The ways in which western compositional traditions have enriched themselves through encounters with other art forms, non-traditional notations, and with jazz, various forms of popular music, electronic music and the music of other traditions, will be important themes throughout. We will look at the writing and the scores of a range of significant creative musicians from the late 1940s to the present and listen closely to recordings of their work.

Date, time and location

Thursdays, 13:00-15:00.

Royal Conservatoire, Juliana van Stolberglaan 1, 2595 CA Den Haag, 070 315 15 15


Register for this course via [uSis]( "uSis").

For other courses in the domains of music and fine arts, please visit:
[Elective courses music and fine arts]( "Elective courses music and fine arts")