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Thesis Preparation Module


Admission requirements

This course is obligatory for students of the master’s programme Industrial Ecology.


Students of the master’s programme Industrial Ecology have to select, depending on their interest and background, a research topic in deliberation with staff members of one or more of the research groups involved. Students have to work independently on a research project. The Master’s Thesis Research Project is composed of two modules: a Thesis Preparation Module (4413GRPMDY) and a Thesis Research Project (4413TRP30Y). As preparation to the research topic, the involved staff member can ask the student to successfully finish specific Specialisation Modules, this has to be discussed with the student before the Master’s Thesis Research starts.
This module results in a report, containing a research proposal and research plan for the Thesis Research Project Ecology. This course is supervised by the first examiner of the Thesis Research Project. More information can be found in the Thesis Research Protocol, available via the programme coordinator of the Masters’ Programme Industrial Ecology.

Course objectives

The students will be trained to:
-Collect, read and understand scientific international literature of a specific topic.
-Formulate a research question extracted from data in the literature.
-Formulate a research proposal including problem definition, aim of the project, methodology and time frame for the Thesis Research Project.
-Write a report containing a literature overview, the research proposal including problem definition, aim of the project, methodology and time frame for the Thesis Research Project.


Each semester three meetings are scheduled for all students that intend to start, or are working on their Thesis Preparation Module or Thesis Research Project (see blackboard TU Delft).

Mode of instruction


Assessment method



The lecturer communicates via blackboard TU Delft.

Reading list


All students have to enroll for course and exam at the start of the course via uSis, Leiden University. For classnumbers see here.

This course is only open for students that are enrolled in the Master’s Programme Industrial Ecology.

Contact information

Mr. dr. ing. R. Kleijn


For more information see the Thesis Research Protocol at Blackboard TU Delft > Master’s Programme Industrial Ecology: Information for Students (IE students only) > Thesis Research Project.

The responsible examiner for this course is the first examiner of the Thesis Research Project, see for more information the description of course 4413TRP30Y.
A list of approved examiners is available at Blackboard TU Delft > Master’s Programme Industrial Ecology: Information for Students (IE students only) > Thesis Research Project.

More information and the description of the course is published in the e-studyguide of TU Delft.