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Thesis Seminar International Organisation Fall 2016



Objective: 1. To deepen the understanding of theories and methods related to research on International Organisation.
Objective: 2. Applying them to a specific topic as part of the student’s master thesis seminar.


Diversity, Democracy and Conflict
The seminar focuses on issues related to ethnic divisions and ethnic conflict from an international or domestic perspective. Issues might include: the impact of ethnic diversity on democracy and democratization, the relationship between various institutions and ethnic conflict; and the role of international actors in resolving conflicts, nation-building, or instituting power-sharing arrangements. The focus of the seminar is broadly defined to allow students who are interested in issues of diversity and political conflict to benefit from working together on their projects. Required reading: Stephen Van Evera. Guide to Methods for Students in Political Science, Cornell University Press, 1997 on reserve in the library, particularly chapter 1,2 and 4

Registration for thesis seminar

Registration for the thesis seminar will take place after the first collective meeting of the Fall thesis seminar in which you will be informed about the procedure.

