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Introduction to Laboratory Animal Science



Coordinator: F.R. Meijers, DVM


The introduction aims to provide knowledge that is essential for understanding the human use and care of animals and for the quality of animal research before starting an internship that involves laboratory animals. The scientist as the central person in the design and conduct of animal experiments, has specific responsibilities (both legal and moral) for the management of the study and the welfare of the animals used.

The course offers a variety of lectures and is concluded by an ethical review session. Legal and ethical frameworks for the use of laboratory animals will be discussed. Common laboratory species will be introduced, including some features of anatomy and physiology. Information required for ethical review, the choice of animal species, the origin of the animals, animal housing and husbandry, environmental conditions, humane endpoints, whether or not induction of a disease is needed, and the methods for anesthesia or humane killing are discussed.

Learning goals

Learning Objectives:
Understanding of the various factors that have a direct or indirect impact on the laboratory animals and the results of an animal study.

Final Qualifications:
Under strict supervision of licensed personnel is the student allowed to perform basic procedures on live laboratory animals.


1 day lectures and discussions with preparation in advance, see reading list
The course will be scheduled to times a year. Tentative dates:

  • Thursday 1 December 2016

  • Monday 6 February 2017
    The final dates will be announced on Blackboard

Mode of instruction

Lectures and discussions; self study of reading list

Assessment method

Assessment based on compulsory attendance at lectures and active participation in the discussion (pass / fail)



Reading list

Central Authority for Scientific Procedures on Animals

Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes: Directive 2010/63/EU

Directive 2010/63/EU, working documents: Directive 2010/63/EU, working documents

Dutch Experiments on Animals Act

Humane Endpoints

Dutch Society for the Replacement of Animal Testing

Stichting informatie dierproeven


Via Usis and enroll in Blackboard