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JS Text Seminar MACH


Admission requirements

This course accompanies the BA3 Seminar of the Media, Arts, Culture & History cluster to which the student was admitted. See the admission procedure outlined in Admission requirements to BA3 Seminar of each cluster. Exception will be made for students with a study delay who have already completed one focus seminar in the former BA3 curriculum.


The course investigates the concepts of “arts” and “media” (including “literature”) as well as “history” in Japan through a number of concrete case studies and does so from epistemological, historical and practical perspective. The material consists of academic texts in Japanese. The course addresses the issue of multiplicity of practices associated with visual and literary culture production in pre-modern and modern Japan and explores the dynamics of production, consumption and evaluation of art in Japan.

Course objectives

This course aims to develop skills essential for reading and using longer (academic) texts in Japanese, with specific reference to arts (including literature) and media. These skills comprise, among others cursory reading, paraphrase and critical analysis, with special attention to:

  • techniques in cursory reading, such as recognition of ‘signal words’ (‘signaalwoorden’) that indicate the structure of argumentation, distinguishing primary form secondary information;

  • structuring a critical review of a text (in contrast to a summary), distilling the sometimes implicit assumptions (‘agenda’) of an author
    In addition, emphasis is out on:

    1. gaining insight in the role of socio-political and historical background of developments of concepts such as ‘art’, ‘literature’ and ‘artist’.
    2. developing skills in critical reading, assessing, presenting and discussing academic texts in relation to the field.
    3. developing a theoretical and critical approach to independent research.


See timetable

Mode of instruction

  • Seminar

Course Load

Total course load for this course is 140 hours

  • Hours spent on attending seminars: 26 hours

  • Preparing webposts: 7 hours

  • Preparing class readings: 78 hours

  • Writing review paper (including reading / research): 29 hours

Assessment method

  • Participation element (attendance of minimally 70%; minimally 5 webpostings of ca. 500 words; participation in discussing the texts in class): 50%

  • Review paper (2,000-2,500 words): 50%

Het eindcijfer voor het onderdeel is het gewogen gemiddelde van de uitslagen voor de deeltoetsen, met dien verstande dat het onderdeel alleen voldoende kan zijn wanneer de student voor alle deeltoetsen een voldoende heeft behaald. Indien een of meer van de deeltoetsen onvoldoende zijn, ontvangt de student een onvoldoende (onv.) als uitslag voor het gehele onderdeel.


Yes, see Blackboard for course information and uploading assignments

Reading list

See Blackboard


Registration through uSis. Not registered, means no permission to attend this course. See also the ‘Registrationprocedures for classes and examinations’ for registration deadlines and more information on how to register

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

A la carte


Dr. H. van der Veere Dr. E. Mark


Language: English and Dutch