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Methods of Qualitative Research


Admission requirements

Having completed the first year of a BA programme.


The course familiarises students with different research methods such as (participant) observation, interviews, and working with focus groups. Practical assignments for observations and interviews serve as preparations for the students’ own research projects. During the module “research design”, students learn to formulate step by step their own research projects: formulating a research question, planning and time schedule, uses of theories and concepts, paper outline, relating to existing knowledge and identifying experts.

Course objectives

  • gaining in-depth understanding of Moroccan society

  • acquiring skills in doing ethnographic research

  • learning how to design and plan a research project



Mode of instruction

  • Lectures

  • Seminars

  • Practical assignments

Attendance is not obligatory for lectures. The conveners do not need to be informed in case of missed classes. Information and knowledge provided in the lectures greatly contribute to the subsequent courses of the programme. In order to pass the course, students are strongly advised to attend all sessions.

Attendance and active participation are obligatory for seminars. Students are required to prepare for and attend all sessions. The convenors need to be informed without delay of any classes missed for a good reason (i.e. due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness, family issues etc.). In these cases it is up to the discretion of the convener(s) of the course whether or not the missed class will have to be made up with an extra assignment. The maximum of such absences during a semester is two. Being absent without notification and/or more than two times can result in exclusion from the term end exams and a failing grade for the course.

Course Load

Total course load 5 EC x 28 hours= 140 hours

  • Lectures: 30 hours

  • Written reports on practical assignments: 50 hours

  • Research proposal: 60 hours

Assessment method


  • Written reports on practical assignments

  • Rresearch proposal

  • Participation in seminars


The final mark for the course is established by determining the weighted average:

  • Written reports (40%);

  • Rresearch proposal (40%);

  • Participation (20%).


If the final grade is below 5.5 students should rewrite the research proposal and the written assignments.

Exam Review

If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will be organized.



Reading list



