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Thematic Course Latin American Cultural Analysis


Admission requirements

Advanced level in Spanish (C1-C2). Students with an advanced knowledge of Brazilian Portuguese and a passive knowledge (reading and oral comprehension) of Spanish will be accepted.


The Body in Latin American Art and Literature

Throughout the 20th Century, literature, art and cinema have created new ways of talking about the body –and from- bodily experience. When we talk about subjectivity, everything starts with the recognition of a corporal entity differentiated of others. The constitution of these differences, the markers which codify a body, and subjectivity in general are our interest in this course. The body is at the same time a place from which identities and subject-positions are constructed, and at the same time it can be an object to dominate and control. Questions about gender, about the human vs the animal, about life vs death are topics we are dealing with. We will see Latin American texts, performances and films which allow us to reflect on the body in dialogue with theories as well as Latin American contexts.

How do we relate with the female or the male body, the “Other”, the grotesque, ill or dead bodies? What is human life? These are questions that travel along with us in the texts we will be analyzing this semester. The students will take an active part in the program of the course, in the giving of classes themselves, and in making a blog of this course.

Course objectives

To develop students’ critical and analytical skill through close reading of a wide range of texts (written and visual);
To provide an insight into a variety of critical approaches around the theme discussed.
Develop students’ critical and analytical skills and presentation skills.


Timetable MA LAS

Timetable ResMA LAS

Method of Instruction

Lectures and Seminars

Course Load

Total course load 10 EC x 28 hours = 280 hours

3 ×13 c.u.= 39 hours class
preparation for:
Class presentation: 50h
Review: 15h
Comment: 15h
(Extra) reading literature: 81h
Final paper (5000 words): 80h

Assessment method

  • Class presentation (10%);

  • Review (20%);

  • Comment (20%);

  • Final paper (5000 words) (50%).

The final mark for the course is established by determining the weighted average.

The papers for the research master should pay more attention to the theoretical framework of their paper and relate the case study to a key debate on Latin American Modernities (discussed in the core courses). To this end, these students will get at least one extra individual meeting focused on theory and a more complex research question.

Resit: Final paper


Blackboard will be used for:

  • providing study materials

Reading list

To be announced in the first class.


Enrolment through uSis is mandatory.

General information about uSis is available in English and Dutch

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

Not applicable

Contact information

For questions about the content of the course, you can contact the teacher:
Dr. N.Timmer

Coordinator of Studies: A.C. Wapenaar MA

Administrations Office: van Wijkplaats


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