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Research Internship: The Transformation of the Roman World


Admission requirements

Admission to the RMA Archaeology programme.


The current research into the transformation of the Roman world at Leiden University offers a wide choice of internships. It is possible to study material from both North-Western Europe and the Mediterranean.

Possibilities on offer are:

  • contributing to the study of the material culture of Merovingian cemeteries in North-Western Europe;

  • working on material culture from settlements from the Merovingian and Carolingian period;

  • working on material from medieval sites in the Mediterranean;

  • creating overviews of specific types of material over large areas (to contribute to the analyses of exchange) in North-Western Europe and/or the Mediterranean;

  • take part in excavations related to the topic by Leiden University or another institution.

It is also possible to do an internship outside Leiden University after consultation with and approval of the track leaders, prof. dr. F. Theuws or prof. dr. J. Vroom.

Set-up of the course:
The set-up of the meetings depends on the nature of the internship. If it is within the Faculty of Archaeology, there will be additional contact hours with the scholar responsible for the material involved.
If it is outside the Faculty of Archaeology the contact hours depend on the time available by the supervisor in the institute where the internship takes place.

Course objectives

Learning how to:

  • conduct research;

  • set up research;

  • write research reports;

  • set up and supervise fieldwork;

  • place research results in a wider international perspective;

  • plan and direct parts of an excavation.

Mode of instruction


Course load

The course load will be distributed as follows:

  • Planning (0,5 ec);

  • Internship (3 ec);

  • Evaluation report (1,5 ec).

Assessment method

  • Essay (with catalogue of studied material when relevant) including a report on the internship (70%);

  • Motivation and work attitude (to be assessed by the (external) supervisor) (20%);

  • Quality of the internship proposal (10%).

A retake consists of the improvement of the essay within 3 weeks after first submission, but only if all other requirements have been met.

The evaluation report should be submitted 3 weeks after the internship.

Reading list

To be handed out during class.


Registration via uSis is mandatory.

  • The Administration Office will register all BA1 students for their tutorials (not lectures; register via uSis!).

  • BA2, BA3, MA/MSc and RMA/RMSc students are required to register for all lectures and tutorials well in time.

  • The Administration Office registers all students for their exams, students are not required to do this in uSis.


For more information about this course, please contact prof. dr. F.C.W.J. (Frans) Theuws.


Attendance is not compulsory, but appointments and agreements made with the internship provider (whether Faculty of Archaeology or other institutions) should be kept strictly.