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Ethics in Quality Control Practices



The short course Ethics in Quality Control Practices for QPs trains professional ethics related to the ethical and social aspects of industrial pharmacy. The course includes two workshops and a individual final assignment.



Admission Requirements

Master’s students of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (BPS) specialisation Industrial Pharmacy, other master’s students of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and master’s students of Pharmacy of Leiden University.

Mode of instruction

Workshops and final assignment.

Reading list


Suggested reading
“Drug Delivery to the Brain- Physiological Concepts, Methodologies, and Approaches”. Editors: M. Hammarlund-Udenaes, EC de Lange, and R Thorne. AAPS/ Springer Science and Business Media. 2014; ISBN 978-1-4614-9104-0
“Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk about How to Do It Right, 6th Edition.” Linda K. Trevino, Katherine A. Nelson. February 2014, ©2014

Course Objectives

After a short introduction to the most common ethical theories we will apply insights in ethics on the profession of a qualified person. Which ethical dilemmas may occur in the workplace? How can you act adequately and correctly in situations when different interests and moral values are in conflict. Starting point of the course is that ethical truth is not universal, but is a product of intersubjective consultation.

Assessment method

Final assignment and presentations.

Time table

Is tailor-made for students in BPS and Industrial Pharmacy. Once announced the registration is open for other master’s students in BPS and master’s students in Pharmacy.


Application via uSis.


Ideal group size is 10-12 students, maximum is 18. Students in BPS and Industrial Pharmacy have guaranteed places, other students are enrolled in order of registration via uSis.