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Governance of Migration and Diversity


Entry requirements

No entry requirements


This course is given at and by the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and is part of the Governance of Migration and Diversity Master programme.

The course provides a broader theoretical background on issues of governance in migration and diversity, integrating the various disciplinary perspectives of the GMD master programme (history, sociology, public administration, urban studies, international relations and development) and connects these to topical and hands-on governance questions of migration and diversity.

The course consists of preparatory sessions focusing on the theoretical background of the respective governance issues and site-visits to organizations involved in the topic. The subject for the seminars and site-visits vary depending on what is topical at the time, but can include topics like discrimination, radicalisation, segregation, high-skilled migration, refugee migration, migration corridors, transnational communities and political representations of migrants. During the seminars and site-visits the students engage in discussion with both scholars and practitioners on the topic.

Finally the students will apply their interdisciplinary knowledge on governance of migration and diversity in a critical review of governance issue of choice.

Course objectives

This course enables students to:

  • Understand how theoretical perspectives of the master programme can be integrated and applied around topical issues of migration and diversity governance

  • Apply the literature from the master programme to concrete governance challenges in migration and diversity

  • Critically assess a governance issue from different disciplinary perspectives


For more information, see the EUR Timetable

Mode of instruction

  • Lecture

  • Tutorial

Course load

Not applicable

Assessment method


Written paper: 100%

For more information on the assessment method, contact P.W.A. Scholten


Blackboard will be used for:

  • Course information

  • Literature

Reading List

Literature will be announced via Blackboard


Not applicable

Registration Studeren à la carte en Contractonderwijs

Not applicable


EUR course description P.W.A. Scholten


Not applicable