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Material Flow Analysis


Admission requirements

This course is a specialisation module of the MSc Industrial Ecology (joint degree TU Delft and Leiden University).


This course teaches students the method(s) of Material Flow Analysis (MFA). Students learn the basic methodology, the methodological debates and the latest methodological developments regarding systems definition, quantification, modelling and the interpretation of the results. They learn how to use MFA by applying it in a case study, using different software tools.

In order to pass this course, students will have obtained:

  • Knowledge of the terminology and basic concepts of MFA

  • Knowledge of recent methodological developments and of the MFA literature

  • Ability to apply MFA in case studies

  • Ability to collect, interpret, and use data for MFA

  • Insight in system dynamics aspects of MFA

  • Insight into the ability of MFA to answer sustainability questions


Because this course is part of a joint degree between Leiden University and TU Delft, students (also guest and exchange) have to be enrolled in both universities.

All students have to enrol for the course via Brightspace, TU Delft (before the start of the course) and for the exam via uSis, Leiden University. (see:

Students who are not enrolled for the MSc Industrial Ecology, have to ask for permission from the studyadvisor of Industrial Ecology to join this course, at least one month before the start of the course.

Exchange students can only enroll for this course if their home university has an Exchange agreement with both Leiden University and TU Delft. Exchange students have to ask permission from the studyadvisor of Industrial Ecology as soon as possible, preferably six months before the start of the course.


More information and the description of the course is published in the e-studyguide of TU Delft.