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JS Seminar MACH



History of Japan to 1868
Academische Vaardigheden (Japanstudies)
Modern Japanese History
Arts and Material Culture of Japan
ten minste twee BA2 seminars
The course is open to students of Japanstudies programme only. Admission to BA3 seminar of each of the 5 clusters is granted following the procedure outlined below:

1) By the last day of May prior to their BA3 year, students must submit to the coordinator of the single cluster of their choice (a) a copy of their academic transcripts; (b) a motivation letter for entry into that cluster’s BA3 courses and thesis seminar; ideas/plans for a thesis project are welcome but not necessary; © a second choice of cluster in case they do not get their first choice. Students can only apply to one cluster. Students who fail to submit by the deadline will be assigned to remaining open slots in clusters following the assignment of all students who submitted on time.
2) In clusters in which the number of applicants who submit by the deadline exceeds the number of available slots, students will be selected among applicants on the basis of their grades and their motivation letter.
3) Students not admitted to the cluster of their choice will be placed in the cluster of second choice to the extent that this is still possible. Final decision over the cluster assignment remains with the clusters.
4) Students will be notified of their admission by the end of June.


This seminar has as subtitle and as its theme: “Japanese Culture: Representation and Narrative.” It focusses on the study of Japanese works of culture (art, literature (including graphic literature), film (including animation) and theatre). Contrasting works of the contemporary with those of the modern and traditional pasts, the course provides students with the methodological tools and analytical paradigms necessary for the scholarly study of culture. The seminar will methodologically equip students to embark on their own BA end paper writing about art, literature, culture or cultural history in a manner that focusses on understanding, explanation and analysis of the narrative and representational aspects of culture.


  • Ability to articulate a research question based on original research

  • Ability to search for and locate primary and secondary materials for research paper

  • Ability to review existing literature on a given topic, identify main authors and arguments, and structure a literature review.

  • Ability to develop an argument and structure a paper based on individual research.

  • Ability to identify and follow disciplinary conventions in citation, analysis, use of sources, and structure of a research paper

  • Ability to critically assess research papers of other students and offer constructive feedback

  • Ability to structure a presentation, and effectively present orally on academic topics


Zie rooster




Total course load for this course is 140 hours:

  • Hours spent on attending seminars: 26 hours

  • time studying the compulsory literature: 65 hrs

  • preparing presentation: 9 hrs

  • paper: 40 hrs


  • Participation element (attendance, webpostings, active participation, presentation): 50%

  • Paper (2,500-3,000 words): 50%

Het eindcijfer voor het onderdeel is het gewogen gemiddelde van de uitslagen voor de deeltoetsen, met dien verstande dat het onderdeel alleen voldoende kan zijn wanneer de student voor alle deeltoetsen een voldoende heeft behaald. Indien een of meer van de deeltoetsen onvoldoende zijn, ontvangt de student een onvoldoende (onv.) als uitslag voor het gehele onderdeel. Herkansing paper in januari.
Inzage paper: Studenten kunnen binnen 30 dagen na het bekendmaken van de cijfers een afspraak maken met de docent om hun paper te bespreken.


Blackboard is used for:

  • information on study materials

  • uploading postings and other assignments.


To follow, see information on Blackboard.


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Prof.dr. I.B. Smits Dr. D. Müller