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Research Seminar: Archaeology of Hominin Diversity


Admission requirements

Admission to the Research Master Archaeology programme.


This research seminar addresses aspects of cultural adaptations of Palaeolithic hominins, using various case studies from ongoing multidisciplinary research of staff members.
The seminar has a strong focus on the late Neanderthal and early anatomically modern humans record.

Course objectives

  • Working knowledge of a wide range of approaches for studying the technology of Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers;

  • Learning to deal with conflicting data and interpretations in the context of scientific debates;

  • Ability to assess and evaluate different theories and how these affect archaeological reasoning;

  • Background knowledge necessary to understand relevant research in other disciplines, including genetics/biology, understanding of the significance of these disciplines in human origins research, and developing ideas about ways this can be applied to questions about human origins;

  • Insight into planning a research project, writing a proposal, and developing ideas for future research.


Course schedule details can be found in the RMA and RMSc time schedule.

Mode of instruction

  • Seminars;

  • Discussion meetings;

  • Literature study (required reading before each lecture).

Course load

The course load will be distributed as follows:

  • 14 × 2 hours of lectures, discussion meetings and practical exercises (2 ec);

  • 560 pages of literature and weekly assignments (4 ec);

  • Final assignments (4 ec).

Assessment method

  • Presentations, discussions during (and prior to) the seminar from specialised reading (40%);

  • Final assignment (60%).

Participation in each class is mandatory and included in the calculation of your final grade. A retake is only possible for the final assignment, and only if all other requirements have been met, including attendance and submission of all assignments.

All exam dates (exams, retakes, paper deadlines etc.) can be found in the RMA and RMSc examination schedule.

Reading list

The reading list will be published on BlackBoard.


Registration via uSis is mandatory.

  • The Administration Office will register all BA1 students for their tutorials (not lectures; register via uSis!).

  • BA2, BA3, MA/MSc and RMA/RMSc students are required to register for all lectures and tutorials well in time.

  • The Administration Office registers all students for their exams, students are not required to do this in uSis.


For more information about this course, please contact prof. dr. M.A. (Marie) Soressi.


Compulsory attendance.