
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Literature in Society: Narrative, Fiction and Voice 10
Literature Study 7
Literature, Research & Validation 3
Literature: Postmodernism and Literature of the 21st Century (Movements 3) 10
Literature: Realism and Symbolism (Movements 1) 5
Literatuur: Historische Avant-garde en Modernisme (Stromingen 2) 10
Lives on the Margins: Korean Peninsula Migration and Identity (10 EC) 10
Lives on the Margins: Korean Peninsula Migration and Identity (5 EC) 5
Living Histories: Locating Pasts in Southern Asia 5
Logic 5
Logic 5
LUC - Course from Leiden University College 5
LUC - Course from Leiden University College 5
LUCAS seminar: Cultural Theory for the 21st Century 5
LUCAS Writing Seminar 10
MA Thesis Arts and Culture 20
MA Thesis Arts and Culture (Research) 25
MA Thesis Asian Studies (60 EC) 15
MA Thesis History & Final Exam 20
MA Thesis Linguistics 20
MA Thesis Linguistics including seminar I 5
MA Thesis Literary Studies (track English) 20
MA Thesis Literary Studies (track French) 20
MA Thesis Literary Studies (track German) 20
MA Thesis Literary Studies (track Italian) 20
MA Thesis Literary Studies (track Literature in Society. Europe and Beyond) 20
MA Thesis Middle Eastern Studies 20
MA Thesis North American Studies 20
MA Thesis Philosophy 120 EC 20
MA Thesis Philosophy 60 EC 20
MA Thesis Seminar Literary Studies 0
MA Thesis Tutorial Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) 5
Machine Learning Theory (MM) 8
Macro- and Monetary Economics and Policy 5
Magic and Medicine in Early Medieval England: Charms, Cures and Curses 10
Magnetic Resonance Phenomena 6
Mahayana Buddhist Philosophy 10
Major Issues in American History and Culture 10
Making sense of epidemics in Europe, 1500-1800 10
Management Science 3
Mandarijn IA 15
Mandarijn IIA 5
Manuscript Book in the West 5
Marketing 3
Marketing (minor Science Based Business) 3
Marketing Management 5
Masks, Identity and Subjectivity in Latin American Literature and Cinema 5
Master Class 0
Master Fieldwork / Internship 5