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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Free Component 10
Genocide, Civilian Victimization, and Violence 10
Georges Perec et la pensée du quotidien 10
Global Governance and Human Rights: History, Theory, and Practice 10
Globalization and Governance 5
Governance of Climate Change and Energy Transition 12
Great Debates in Political Science - Spring 5
Great Debates in Political Science (The Hague, Spring) 5
Greek Papyrology 10
Hands-on Research Experience in Museum Volkenkunde 5
Hands-on Research Experience in Museum Volkenkunde 10
Health Psychology in Practice 5
High Performance Computing II 6
Historische letterkunde in de klas 5
History of Construction and Heritage 5
History of Diversity 10
Human Resources and Organizational Behavior 5
Human Rights Discourses on North Korea 10
ICT Architectures 6
Ideas in World Politics 5
Image Analysis with Applications in Microscopy 6
In the Dutch mountains: modern travelliterature in and of The Netherlands 10
Individual Project (FGW) 10
Industrial Ecology Capita Selecta Module 2/6
Information Retrieval and Text Analytics 6
Innate Immune Systems 6
Innate Immune systems 6
Innovations in eHealth Care 5
Interculturality 2: The Global Imagination 10
Intergroup Relations 5
Intermediate Sumerian 5
International Negotiation 5
International Organizations and the Promotion of Good Governance 5
International Relations in the Middle East: Regional Struggle and Great Power Rivalry after the Cold War 10
Internship Linguistics 10
Internship (MA Philosophy) 10
Internship Applied Archaeology 5
Internship Arts and Culture 10
Internship MA International Relations 10
Internship MA Literary Studies 10
Internship North American Studies (optional) 10
Internship Russian and Eurasian Studies 10
Intervention Strategies in Clinical Neuropsychology 5
Interventions in Occupational Health 5
Introduction Course Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences 4
Introduction MPS 5
Introduction to R and Statistical Computing 5
Is Logic Transcendental? 10
Isseus Language Endangerment and Documentation 5
Issues in Latin American Foreign Policies 10