
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Linguistic History of the Middle East 5
Linguistics (research) Thesis 30
Linguistics 1: The Phonetics of English 5
Linguistics 3: The Syntax of English: Present and Past 5
Linguistics 5: English Sentence Structure and Word Formation 10
Linguistics 5A: English Sound Structure and Word Formation 10
Linguistique française: Syntaxe du français 5
Literary Texts 1 5
Literary Texts 2 5
Literary Translation 1: The familiar and the foreign 10
Literary Translations 5
Literature 1A: Introduction to Literary Studies in English 10
Literature 1B: The Classical and Christian Legacies in Literatures in English 5
Literature 3A: The American Renaissance, American Literature, 1620-1865 5
Literature 3B: Eighteenth-Century British Literature 5
Literature 5A: American Literature, 1917 to the present 10
Literature 5B: Anglo-American Modernism 10
Literature 5C: Political Shakespeare 10
Literature 5D: Introduction to American film 10
Literature and Culture from the beginning to 1800 5
Literature and Politics in the Persian-speaking World 10
Literature and Politics in the Persian-speaking World (ResMA) 10
Literature and Reconciliation 10
Literature in manuscript and print in the Low Countries 5
Literature in Society: Narrative, Fiction and Voice 10
Literature Study 7
Literature, Art and Culture in Africa: African postcolonial theories and literary criticism 5
Literature, Research & Validation 3
Literature: Postmodernism and Literature of the 21st Century (Movements 3) 10
Literature: Realism and Symbolism (Movements 1) 5
Literatuur: Historische Avant-garde en Modernisme (Stromingen 2) 10
Lives on the Margins: Korean Peninsula Migration and Identity (10 EC) 10
Lives on the Margins: Korean Peninsula Migration and Identity (5 EC) 5
Living Histories: Locating Pasts in Southern Asia 5
Logic 5
Logic 5
LOT Summer School/Winter School 10
LUC - Course from Leiden University College 5
LUC - Course from Leiden University College 5
LUCAS seminar: Cultural Theory for the 21st Century 5
LUCAS Writing Seminar 10
MA Thesis Arts and Culture 20
MA Thesis Arts and Culture (Research) 25
MA Thesis Asian Studies (60 EC) 15
MA Thesis Classics and Ancient Civilizations 15
MA Thesis History & Final Exam 20
MA thesis JNM 20
MA Thesis Linguistics 20
MA Thesis Linguistics including seminar I 5