
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Research internship and master's thesis 45
Research MA Thesis (Middle Eastern Studies, Asian Studies) 25
Research School Course Latin American Studies 10
Research School Course(s) 10
Research School Courses (Arts and Culture & Literary Studies) 5
Research School Courses (ResMA Classics and Ancient Civilizations) 5/10
Research Seminar: Communicating Communities 10
Research Seminar: Post-Classical (Mediterranean) Archaeology: The Rise of New Societies 10
Research Seminar: Taphonomy 10
Research Seminar: The Visual Power of Objects in Antiquity: Meaning, Materiality and Style 10
ResMA Thesis History & Final Exam 30
RMA Thesis Archaeology year 1 15
RMA Thesis Archaeology year 2 20
Scriptie MA Neerlandistiek (alle specialisaties) 20
Seminar: Thesis Writing 5
Sinographics: Chinese writing and writing Chinese (ResMA) 10
Stage JNM 10
Test theory and scale development 5
Thesis Seminar International Politics - Spring 2020 20
Thesis Air and Space Law 10
Thesis and Methods in International Relations and Research 5
Thesis and Methods in International Relations Research 5
Thesis and Methods in International Relations Research 5
Thesis EIHRL 10
Thesis International Children's Rights 10
Thesis Law & Finance 10
Thesis Preparation Module 6
Thesis Presentation and Research Proposal 5
Thesis Research Master African Studies 25
Thesis Research Project Industrial Ecology 30
Thesis Seminar (CA-DS) 5
Thesis Seminar and Job Market Orientation (Religious Studies) 5
Thesis Seminar International Organisation - Spring 2020 20
Thesis Seminar Nationalism, Ethnic conflict and Development - Spring 2020 20
Thesis Seminar Nederlandse Politiek - Spring 2020 20
Thesis Seminar Parties, Parliaments and Democracy - Spring 2020 20
Thesis Seminar Philosophy (Spring) 0
Thesis Seminar Political Legitimacy and Justice - Spring 2020 20
Thesis Writing Seminar 5
Topical Readings in Pre-modern Chinese (ResMA) 10
Topics in Chinese Art History (ResMA) 10
Topics in Linguistics D: Experimental Pragmatics 5
Topics in Linguistics E: Introduction to descriptive statistics and programming in R for Linguists 5
Tutorial (ResMA History) 10
Word and Image in Premodern Japanese Culture (ResMA) 10