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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
`Ulamâ’ in the Modern Muslim World 10
`Ulamâ’ in the Modern Muslim World (ResMA) 10
'Boom and bust'. A History of Financial Crises since 1500 10
"A Jew for the Jews and a Greek for the Greeks". Paul of Tarsos and the Expansion of Early Christianity 10
"All that is Solid Melts into Code": How Big Data is Changing the World 5
"Must reads" Italian Literature (individual course) 5
(A)typical Emotional Development: Autism, Deafness and Somatisation 5
(De)colonizing knowledge: Women folklore collectors and travelling ethnographers in the colonized Americas 5
(Re)framing Past and Present in Narrative Sources from the Low Countries (c. 1250-c.1800) 10
[Canceled] Georgian Language for Beginners 5
A Philosophical Inquiry concerning Biomedicine, part A 1
A Century of Modern Dutch Sculpture in an International Perspective 10
A Clinical Pharmacologist Approach to Combat a Viral Pandemic 4
A Global Revolution? Change and Innovation in Afro-Eurasia in the Hellenistic and Roman Period (250 BC – AD 250) 5
A History of the United Nations 10
A New World? Innovation and Progress in Antiquity 10
A Philosophical Inquiry concerning Biomedicine, part B 1
A theoretical research seminar on Language Variation and Language Change in Latin America 10
A) Specialised Course: Contract of Employment 5
Academic and Professional Skills (Science) 3
Academic development (Educational line) 7
Academic Discourse 5
Academic Skills (African Languages and Cultures)
Academic Skills (Dutch Studies) 0
Academic Skills (Film and Literary Studies) 5
Academic Skills (Italian Language and Culture)
Academic Skills (Japanese Studies) 5
Academic Skills (Korean Studies) 0
Academic Skills (Latin American Studies)
Academic Skills (Linguistics) 0
Academic Skills (Middle Eastern Studies)
Academic Skills (Oude Nabije Oosten-studies) 0
Academic Skills (Religious Studies) 0
Academic Skills (Russian Studies) 5
Academic Skills (South and Southeast Asian Studies)
Academic Skills and Thesis Seminar 5
Academic Skills for Criminologists 5
Academic Skills I Pre-Master 5
Academic Skills II (Art History): Searching and Processing Information, Writing and Oral Presentation 5
Academic Skills Tutorial (IBP) 5
Academic Writing 5
Academic writing (AWR) 2
Academic Writing and (Re) Presentation 5
Academic Year in Japan A 15
Academic Year in Japan B 25
Academic Year in Japan C 5
Academische en Wetenschappelijke Vorming jaar 1 5
Academische Vaardigheden (Nederlandse taal en cultuur)
Academische vaardigheden en beroepsoriëntatie Pedagogische Wetenschappen jaar 2 2
Academische Vaardigheden: Data-analyse 5