
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Methoden van klinische diagnostiek 5
Methoden van Kwalitatief Onderzoek 3
Methoden van Kwalitatief Onderzoek (Pre-master) 3
Methodological Concepts in Art and Literature 10
Methodology and methods/academic writing 6
Methodology and Research Approach (PE) 6
Methods and instruments in cognitive and affective neuroscience 5
Methods and Issues in Korean Studies 5
Methods and Techniques 2: Qualitative Research 10
Methods and Theories of Journalism Studies 5
Methods I: Research Seminar Latin American Modernities 10
Methods II: Research in Latin America 20
Methods III: Writing Workshop 5
Methods in Biodiversity Analysis 6
Methods in Child Language Research 10
Methods in Experimental Linguistics 10
Methods in International Relations and European Studies Research 5
Methods in Speech Processing 5
Methods in Speech Processing 5
Methods in Statistics and Linguistic Data Processing 5
Methods of Chemical Analysis CAM) 3
Methods of Cultural Analysis and Critical Readings 10
Methods of interdisciplinary literary studies 5
Methods of Linguistic, Literary and Historical Research 5
Methods of Qualitative Research 5
Methods: Putting Theory into Practice 10
Metrics and Knowledge Production 5
Microbial Evolution & Ecology 3
Microbial Fysiologie 5
Microbiologie (BIO) 3
Microbiologie (voor Bioinformatica) 3
Microbiology and food safety 3
Microeconomics 5
Microeconomics (BSK) 5
Microeconomics (IT) 8
Microscopie en Imaging 6
Middle Ages I: Littérature Moyen-Age 5
Middle Eastern Studies: Connecting to the Labour Market 5
Middle Welsh 5
Middle Welsh 5
Migration and Children Rights 5
Migration And Children's Rights 5
Migration and Development: Globalisation, Livelihoods and Conflicts 5
Migration and Integration 10
Migration Law and Policy in the EU 5
Migration Matters: (Im)migration, Memory, and Identity in American Literature and Film 10
Migration, Race and Identity: the making of ‘Hispanics' in the United States 10
Milieubiologie 3
Milieubiologie jaar 1 1
Minds Matter: American Public Intellectuals and their Ideas 10