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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
EU External Relations: the Neighbourhood and Beyond 5
EU Financial Law 10
EU Institutional Law & General Principles of EU Law 10
EU Internal Market and Competition Law 10
EU Policymaking and Implementation 5
EU Public Affairs & Lobbying 5
Europaeum - Historiography 5
Europe's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 5
European and Commercial Perspectives of Space Law 5
European and Commercial Perspectives of Space Law Blended Learning 5
European and International Competition Law 8
European and International Corporate and Financial Law 8
European and International Intellectual Property Law 4
European Criminal Law 5
European Human Rights Law 10
European Integration 5
European Labour Law 10
European Law in Practice - Practicum 10
European Modernism 10
European Protection of Human Rights 5
European Tax Law 10
European Union: Integration and Disintegration 10
Europeanisation of CSM 5
Europeanization of Administrative Law 10
Euroscepticism 5
Evaluating an Empirical Study 5
Evaluating Interventions in Patients with Chronic Disease 5
Evaluation of Criminal Justice Policy 5
Evidence based Cognitive Enhancement (ECE) 5
Evolutionary Algorithms 6
Exceptional violence 5
Exhibition: Statement to Experience 12
Experimental Clinical Psychology 5
Experimental Phonetics 10
Experimentation I: Programming Psychological Experiments 5
Experimentation II: Neuroscientific Research Methods 5
External Economic Relations 5
F) Specialised Course: Rent Law 5
Factchecken 5
Family Law and the position of minors 5
Fantasy Islands: British and Irish Fantasy, 1840-1980 10
Field Assignment African Studies 10
Field Methods 5
Fieldwork (Internship/Practicum) 5/10
Fieldwork / Research Internship (February intake) 20
Finance and Procurement of Aerospace Activities 6
Finance and Procurement of Aerospace Activities Blended Learning 6
Financial Management 3
Financial Reporting 5
Finding new causes of thrombosis: the clinical-epidemiological approach. From idea to publication. 6