
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Policy 2 (Implementation of Policy) 5
Policy Analysis and Action Plan 6
Policy and Development in Science and Society 4
Policy and Policy Formation in Multi-Level Governance 10
Policy coherence to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals from a tax, trade and investment law perspective’ 5
Policy Economics 5
Policy Evaluation in National and International Contexts - (February starters, group #02) 10
Policy Evaluation in National and International Contexts - (September starters, group #01) 10
Policy Making 5
Policy Oriented Research Internship 20
Policy studies (part 1) Minor 5
Policy, Governance and Organisation I: Integrative Project 5
Policy, governance and organisation II: Multi-level Governance 5
Political and Economic Foundations of Law 5
Political Communication and Media Effects 10
Political Communication in 21st century China 5
Political debate: theory and practice 5
Political Ecology: Beyond Nature & Society 5
Political Economy in International Perspective 5
Political Economy of Ecological Crisis 10
Political Economy of Natural Resources 5
Political Economy of South East Asia (ResMA) 10
Political Economy of Southeast Asia (10 EC) 10
Political Economy of Southeast Asia (5 EC) 5
Political Economy: Africa 5
Political Economy: Asia 5
Political Eloquence in the Netherlands 10
Political History of the Middle East in the 20th Century 10
Political Iconology: Art & Diversity (1600-1800) 5
Political Islam in the Middle East 5
Political Myths and Realities: Lessons learned from Indigenous and Pre-historic Practice 10
Political Obligation 10
Political Philosophy 5
Political Philosophy 5
Political Philosophy 5
Political Philosophy 5
Political Philosophy and Public Administration 5
Political Psychology in International Relations 10
Political Research Design 5
Political Science 5
Political Violence and Civil War 10
Politicians and civil servants 5
Politics 5
Politics & Development of Africa 5
Politics and Bureaucracy 5
Politics and Culture 10
Politics and Development: Coming of Age in Africa 5
Politics and Economy: Philosophical Foundations 10
Politics and Ethics in the Contemporary Museum 10
Politics and Religion 5