
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Research Methods: Talk of the Town: Linguistic diversity and multilingualism in The Hague 2 5
Research Methods: The Politics of History: Strategic Narratives and Memory Diplomacy 5
Research Methods: Transnational organized crime: a global challenge 5
Research Methods: Transnationalism and Global Diasporas 1 5
Research Methods: Transnationalism and Global Diasporas 2 5
Research Methods: War and Strategic Studies 5
Research Methods: Wasted Relations: toxicity, pollution and environmental degradation in critical perspective 5
Research participation and projects 10
Research Preparation 5
Research Project Min. 60
Research Project (Fieldwork) (ResMA) 19-29
Research Project 1 - Oral Presentation 2
Research Project 1 - Practical Work 44
Research Project 1 - Practical Work (SCS, SBB, EDU and IP specialisations of BPS) 42
Research Project 1 - Thesis 5
Research Project 1 (LO1) 6
Research Project 2 6
Research Project 2 - Oral presentation 1
Research Project 2 - Practical work 31
Research Project 2 - Thesis 5
Research Project Biology 36
Research Project Preparation 1
Research Project: Fieldwork 25
Research project/data collection 10
Research Proposal 5
Research Proposal (BMS) 5
Research Proposal CADS 5
Research School Course Latin American Studies 10
Research School Courses (Arts and Culture & Literary Studies) 5
Research School Courses (ResMA History) 10
Research School courses in the humanities 10
Research Seminar Artificial Intelligence 6
Research Seminar Russian and Eurasian Studies 5
Research Seminar: Communicating Communities 10
Research Seminar: Current Issues in the Palaeolithic 10
Research Seminar: Secret Skills for the Successful Scientist 10
Research Seminar: Social Technologies 6
Research Seminar: We Made It! Crafting In The Eastern Mediterranean 10
Research Skills and Scientific Integrity 3
Research Skills and Scientific Integrity (2EC) 2
Research Topics in Health Promotion 5
Research Trainee incl. thesis 17
Research traineeship applied analysis 6
Research training project 20/60
Research Workshop: The Controversy About Poverty in Sixties America 5
Research Workshop: Egodocuments of Politicians 5
Research Workshop: Greek and Latin Epigraphy (10 EC) 10
Research Workshop: Greek and Latin Epigraphy (5 EC) 5
Research Workshop: Historical Sources and Questions in the Urban Arena 5
Research Workshop: Primary sources and cultures of modern science 5