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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
A Better World is Possible: The Future of Human Security and Global Governance 5
A Child on a Hill: Research Design for the Arts 5
A Clinical Pharmacologist Approach to Develop a Novel Treatment 4
A Healthy Society: Health Behaviour, Well-Being and the Role of Stress 4
A Life of Crime? Poverty, Illegality, and Making Do in the City, 1800-1930 10
A Parting of Ways? Intellectuals and the State in the Long Eighteenth Century 5
A Sacred Language in Modern Times: Language Ideology in the Arabic World 5
A taste of leadership 5
A Water’s History of the United States 10
Academic and Professional Skills (Science) 3
Academic cultures: Research communication in the Humanities 5
Academic development (Educational line) 7
Academic Excellence Programme 15
Academic Pharma 15
Academic Reading and Writing 5
Academic Skills and Thesis Seminar 5
Academic Skills and Thesis Seminar GMD 5
Academic Skills for Evidence-based Policy and Advice 5
Academic Skills II: The Academic Research Paper 5
Academic Skills, pre-master 5
Academic Skills: Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis (Sem. II) 5
Academic Skills: Research Design (Sem. I) 5
Academic Writing 5
Academic Writing and Presenting 10
Academic Writing MasterClass 1
Accountability for Atrocity Crimes 5
Accounting 3
Activating the Past: Heritage, Sources & Public History of Africa 5
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN's) 3
Actors in World Politics 5
Administrative Ethics 5
Adults and Children in a Polarising World 5
Advanced Archaeological Science Specialisation Course: Archaeobotany 5
Advanced Archaeological Science Specialisation Course: Archaeozoology 5
Advanced Archaeological Science Specialisation Course: Digital Archaeology 5
Advanced Archaeological Science Specialisation Course: Material Culture 5
Advanced Archaeological Science Specialisation Course: Osteoarchaeology 5
Advanced Archaeological Theory 5
Advanced Archaeology of Daily Life in the First Millennium CE in the Mediterranean 5
Advanced Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire 5
Advanced Area Specialisation Eastern Mediterranean and West Asia 10
Advanced Cases in Democratic Consolidation and Erosion 10
Advanced Community Heritage and Global Challenges 5
Advanced Computational Methods in Drug Discovery: AI and Physics Based simulations 4
Advanced Current Issues in Archaeological Science 5
Advanced Current Issues in the Archaeology of the Frontier Regions of the Roman Empire 5
Advanced Data Management for Data Analysis 6
Advanced Fetal and Neonatal Care 15
Advanced History of Philosophy: Aristotle Facing Global Challenges 5
Advanced Mandarin 3 5