
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Portuguese 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Portuguese 3 10
Portuguese 3 Intermediate 5
Post-Soviet Wars: The Violent Consequences of State Collapse 10
Postwar: Life after Conflict 10
Power and Resistance 10
Power and Resistance in the Modern Middle East 10
Power and Resistance in the Modern Middle East (ResMA) 10
Practical Judgement 10
Practical Philosophy: Contemporary Debates 10
Practising International Studies 10
Practising Japanese Studies 5
Practising Religious Studies 10
Pragmatics: speakers, hearers and meanings 10
Pre-Intermediate Hebrew 10
Pre-Intermediate Turkish 10
Pre-master Final Assignment Film and Photographic Studies 10
Pre-master Final Assignment Journalism and New Media 10
Pre-master Final Assignment Linguistics 10
Pre-master Final Assignment Literary Studies 10
Pre-Master Thesis European Union Studies 10
Pre-master Thesis Middle Eastern Studies 15
Pre-master Thesis North American Studies 10
Premodern History of South and Southeast Asia 5
Premodern History of South and Southeast Asia 5
Principles of Economics 5
Processing Syntax and Semantics 5
Psycholinguistics 5
Psychology of Religion 5
Public History 5
Public Policy in Latin America 5
Pure Land Buddhism 5
Python for Linguists 1 5
Python for Linguists 2 5
Qualitative Methods in Linguistics 10
Queer History Since 1700 10
Questions of Law and Justice in Literature, Art and Media 10
Rabbis and Rebels: The Challenges of Jewish Tradition 5
Radio Palestine/Israel: Voices in Conflict 10
Radio Palestine/Israel: Voices in Conflict (ResMA) 10
Reading Akkadian 10
Reading and interpreting historical literature 5
Reading Classical Hebrew 10
Reading Hebrew Literature: Prophets at Work: Hosea and Amos (10 EC) 10
Reading Hebrew Literature: Prophets at Work: Hosea and Amos (5 EC) 5
Reading Hebrew Texts 5
Reading List Greek BA3 5
Reading list Greek/Latin 5
Reading List Latin BA3 5
Reading List: compose your own reading list 5