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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Classical Chinese 3a 5
Classical Chinese 3b 5
Classical Coins as Source for the History of Antiquity 5
Classical Literature 5
Classical Persian 5/10
Classical Readings 5
Climate, Health and Medical Encounters 10
Climate, Health and Medical Encounters in Africa 5
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language 10
Cold War Terror and Cultures of Resistance in Latin America 10
Colonial and World History: Dutch Sources as Window to the World 5
Colonial Knowledge, the ‘Third World’, and Countercultural Activism in the 1960s-70s 10
Colonialism and the Ancient Near East - Ancient and Modern 10
Common Course: Fragments 10
Communicating Across Cultures 5
Communication in Africa: the Power of Language & Media 5
Comparative Asian Linguistics 10
Comparative Asian Linguistics (ResMA) 10
Comparative Literatures of the Middle East 5
Comparative Philosophy 5
Comparative Philosophy I: Classical Readings 5
Comparative Philosophy II: Topics 5
Comparative Religion 10
Comparative Romance Linguistics 5
Comparative Stylistics 5
Comparative Syntax 10
Comparing and Connecting: Medieval and Early Modern Worlds 10
Comparing and Connecting: Medieval and Early Modern Worlds 10
Comparison as a Benchmark, or How Exceptional Was the Dutch Republic? 10
Computation for Language Research 5
Computational Corpus Analysis 5
Computational Models and Semantics 6
Concepts & Methods in the Ancient Near East: Social Worlds of Ancient Art Producers 10
Concepts of Selfhood 5
Concepts of Textual Transformations 5
Conflicts about Climate and Environment in Europe 5
Consciousness in Buddhism 10
Contemporary African Philosophy 10
Contemporary African Philosophy 10
Contemporary Brazil 10
Contemporary French Philosophy 10
Contemporary History 5
Contemporary Indian Politics (10 EC) 10
Contemporary Indian Politics (5 EC) 5
Contemporary Indian Politics (ResMA) 10
Contemporary Islamic Thought 10
Contemporary Issues: Film, Literature, Politics 5
Contemporary Japanese Politics and International Relations 5
Contemporary Metaphysics 10
Contemporary novels 5