
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Celbiologie en kanker 3
Celfysiologie 3
Cell Biology & Biochemistry: an introduction 5
Cell Membranes and Membrane Transport (CMMT) 4
Cell Pharmacy 4
Cellulaire Biochemie 4
Cellulaire communicatie 6
Cellular Signal Transduction 5
Cellular Therapies 15
Centraal Zenuwstelsel 7
Challenges to Internationalism: The Evolution of the United Nations 5
Changemakers Lab 5
Chemical Biology 3
Chemical Biology (CB) 6
Chemical Biology, Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 6
Chemical Biotechnology (CBT) 6
Chemical Energy Transition: From Nanoscience to Technology 4
Chemical Immunology (CHI) 6
Chemical Product Design (CPO) 6
Chemical Reactor Engineering 6
Chemical Thermodynamics (CTD) 6
Chemie van het Leven 3
Chemistry and Physics of Solid Materials 6
Child abuse and neglect: neurobiological aspects and intervention 5
Child And Family Law In Private International Law 5
Child and Internet 5
Child care, experts, and parents: historical trends 5
Child Maltreatment and Youth Policy: Decisions and Implementation 5
Child Protection And Children's Rights 5
Child Protection and Youth Care 5
Children and the Law 5
Children In The Justice System 5
Children's Rights 5
Children's Rights And Digital Technologies 5
Chile Visiting Chair 10
China and Global Cyberspace 10
China and Global Cyberspace (ResMA) 10
China and the Global Political Economy 5
China and World Environment 5
China-Africa Relations in a Changing Global Order 10
China-Africa Relations in a Changing Global Order (ResMA) 10
China's Digital Geographies 5
China's International Political Economy 10
China's International Political Economy (ResMA) 10
China's New Workers and the Politics of Culture 10
China's New Workers and the Politics of Culture (ResMA) 10
Chinees nieuws lezen 5
Chinese film and society 5
Chinese Filosofie II 5
Chinese history to 1911 5