
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Introduction to Children's Rights 5
Introduction to Cyber Security 6
Introduction to Deep Learning 6
Introduction to dynamical systems (BM) 6
Introduction to European Competition Law 5
Introduction to Hindu Religions 5
Introduction to International Human Rights Law 5
Introduction to International Organisations 5
Introduction to International Relations (for Exchange students) 5
Introduction to International Studies 5
Introduction to Logic 6
Introduction to Machine Learning 6
Introduction to Middle Egyptian 10
Introduction to Modern Japanese History 5
Introduction to Modern Latin American History I 5
Introduction to Modern Latin American History II 5
Introduction to Neural Computing 4
Introduction to Psychology 5
Introduction to Public Administration 5
Introduction to Python Programming 5
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning 6
Introduction to Secret Affairs 5
Introduction to Security and Safety 10
Introduction to Solid State Physics 3
Introduction to Sumerian 5
Introduction to the History of the Netherlands 5
Introduction to the Neurosciences 6
Introduction to the Study of Islam 5
Introduction to Video Game Making 6
Introduzione alla linguistica italiana/Introduction to Italian linguistics 5
IP Law in Science 5
Islam in Southeast Asia: The Basics 5
Islam in the Modern World 5
Issues Language Endangerment and Documentation 5
Italiaans: Italiano I (Taalvaardigheid keuzevak voor niet hoofvakstudenten Italiaans) 5
Italiaans: Italiano II (Taalvaardigheid keuzevak voor niet hoofvakstudenten Italiaans) 5
Italiaans: Italiano III (Taalvaardigheid keuzevak voor niet hoofvakstudenten Italiaans) 5
Italiaans: Keuzepakket Paper (Lavoro scritto) 5
Italiaans: Taalvaardigheid Ia 5
Italiaans: Taalvaardigheid Ib 5
Italiaans: Taalvaardigheid Ic 5
Italiaans: Taalvaardigheid Id 5
Italiaans: Taalvaardigheid IIa 5
Italiaans: Taalvaardigheid IIb 5
Italiaans: Taalvaardigheid IIc 5
Italiaans: Taalvaardigheid IId 5
Italian philology: editing texst in Italian 10
Italiano L2 e metodi per l’apprendimento dell’italiano come L2 10
Italy today 5
Japan in the 21st Century: Sociological Perspectives 5