
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Sociolinguistica dell’italiano (Corso monografico) 5
Sociolinguistics 10
Sociolinguistics 5
Sociolinguistics (BA Linguistics) 5
Sociolinguistics and Dialectology of Brazilian Portuguese 5
Sociolinguistics and Dialectology of the Spanish in Latin America 5
Sociolinguistics of Russia 5
Sociolinguïstiek: straattaal, tussentaal, social media en meer 5
Sociologie en antropologie van modern China 5
Sociology of Migration and Diversity 5
Sociology of Religion 5
Soefisme: islamitische mystiek 5
SOSCI Lecture Introduction to Japanese Economy 5
SOSCI Lecture Japan and Anthropology. Concepts and Misconceptions 5
SOSCI Lecture Material Culture of Modern Japan 5
SOSCI Lecture Politics 5
SOSCI Seminar Anthropology of Japan 10
SOSCI Seminar International Politics and Economy of East Asia 5
SOSCI Seminar Japanese Anime, Global Fandoms 5
SOSCI Seminar Japanese Food 5
SOSCI Seminar Japanese Religions and Buddhism 5
SOSCI Seminar Performing Arts of Japan 5
SOSCI Seminar Politics, Political Economy and International Relations of Japan 10
SOSCI Seminar Sociology/Anthropology 5
Sounds: Art, Objects, and Events 5
Soviet History and Memory 10
Soviet History and Memory 10
Spanish 1 10
Spanish 1 Beginners 10
Spanish 1 Intermediate 10
Spanish 2 10
Spanish 2 Pre-Intermediate 10
Spanish 2 Upper-Intermediate 10
Spanish 3 10
Spanish 3 Advanced 5
Spanish 3 Intermediate 5
Spanish 4 10
Spanish in Practice 5
Spanish Phonology and Morphology 5
Spanish: Language in culture 5
Spatial Analysis and Modelling in the Urban Environment 5
Speaking/Listening 1B - Language Acquisition I 5
Special Topics in Digital Humanities 5
Specialisation Electives (Arts and Culture) 30
Specialisation Electives (Literary Studies) 30
Specialisation Electives (Literary Studies) 30
Speculative Fiction: The Weird, the Dark and the Wonderful 10
Speech Acts in Logic and Democracy 10
Speech Sounds of the World 5
Spoken Arabic: Egyptian 5