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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
The European Union and the United Nations 5
The European Union as an external power 5
The European Union in Crisis 5
The European Union Today 5
The First Global Empires: Egypt and the Middle East (1st Mill BC – 7th century AD) 5
The Fringes of Enlightenment: Colonialism and Society in Asia, 1780-1870 10
The fringes of the Enlightenment: ideas of progress and colonial catergoization in Asia, 1700 - 1870 10
The Gatekeepers: secret services in the democratic legal order 5
The German Language: Advanced 10
The German Language: Basics II 5
The German Language: Intermediate I 10
The Germanic Sandwich. German, Dutch and English 5
The History of European Integration 5
The History of European Integration 5
The History of Everyday Life under Authoritarian Regimes 10
The History of Morocco 5
The Human Planet 5
The Indian Ocean World: Sailors, Scholars, Slaves 5
The Insurance Contract 5
The Internal Market and Regulation 8
The International Politics of Climate Change 5
The Italian city-state in a comparative perspective (1000-1500) 10
The laboratory of the medievalist 5
The Law & Practice of International Organizations - Practicum 10
The Law and Practice of International Organizations 10
The learning brain 5
The learning brain 5
The learning child in a digital world 5
The Legal Foundations of the European Union 6
The Library: Knowledge Centre of the Past, Present and Future 5
The Linguistic Construction of Trust 5
The Living Quran 5
The logic of the media and the public arena 5
The Making of Modern International Relations 10
The Making of the Modern Middle East (1870-1940) 10
The Many Faces of Translation: Language, Culture and Power 5
The Material City 5
The Middle East in the International Political Economy 10
The Middle East in the International Political Economy (ResMa) 10
The military and politics in France (1870-1969) 10
The Mycenaean World: Culture 5
The Mycenaean World: Language 5
The Nature and Practice of Lobbying in the EU 5
The Netherlands in Antiquity: Rebel Province at the Limes or Example of Roman Civilization 5
The older individual 10
The Origins and Synthesis of Life (Delft) 6
The Past at Play! 5
The Pathophysiology of Coagulation 6
The place of the political in literature and cinema 10
The Policy Cycle and the Administrative Arena 5