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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Art and Anthropology: Beyond the Museum 10
Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt 5
Art and Power in China 10
Art and Power in China (ResMA) 10
Art and Self in the Age of Consumerism 5
Art History in Daugavpils 5
Art in the Song-Yuan-Ming Transition 5
Art in Western Europe - 1800 5
Art on Paper & the Leiden University Collections 10
Art, Museums & Cultural Memory (with excursion to Berlin) 10
Art, Science & Technology: Transdisciplinary Connections 10
Artificial Creatures 4
Artificial Intelligence 6
Artificial Intelligence 5
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Skills 5
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Challenge 2
Artificial Intelligence for Physicists (TU Delft) 4
Artificial Intelligence: Understand & Create 4
Arts and Material Culture of Japan 5
Arts and politics in Latin America 5
Arts, Ecology, Animal Rights 5
Asia in Global History: From Colonialism to the Post-Cold War Era 5
Asian Events in Early Modern European Sources 10
Aspect of contemporary Italian 10
Aspetti dell'italiano contemporaneo 5
Astro-Particle Physics 6
Astrobiology 3
Astrochemistry 3
Astronomical Observing Techniques 5
Astronomical Relativity 6
Astronomical Spectroscopy 3
Astronomical Telescopes and Instruments 6
Astronomy from Space 3
Astronomy Lab and Observing Project 5
Astronomy Student Colloquium -
Atherosclerosis 4
Attachment, parenting and development: research and clinical implications 5
Attention: Theory and Practice 5
Audio Processing and Indexing 6
Audiovisual Journalism 10
Auteur en media 5
Authoritarian Expansionism 5
Autisme (Diagnostiek en behandeling) 5
Automata Theory 6
Automated Machine Learning 6
BA Conference Project 10
BA Duits Verplicht buitenlandverblijf 25
BA English: Mentoring Sessions 0
BA External Research Project 25
BA Final paper Art History 10