
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Language and Identity in the Middle East 5
Language and Identity of Minorities in Siberia 10
Language Documentation 5
Language Documentation 5
Language Evolution 3
Language from a social perspective 5
Language in the City 5
Language in the Course of Time 5
Language Lab: Methods in the Study of Language Use 5
Language Use in the World 5
Language, Music and Text-setting 5
Languages of South and Southeast Asia: History, Context and Structure 5
Large Scale Structure and Galaxy Formation 6
Late Cursive (Abnormal) Hieratic Papyrology I 10
Late Egyptian 10
Latin America in Literature and Images 5
Latin American International Relations 5
Law and Culture 5
Law and Governance in Africa 5
Law and Governance in Asia 5
Law and Governance in Developing Countries 5
Law and Society in Japan 5
Law, Sharia and Governance in North Africa and the Middle East 5
Le jeu littéraire au seuil de l'époque moderne 10
Leading and Managing People 5
Lectuur Vedische teksten I 5
Legal texts in 1st millennium BCE Assyria and Babylonia 10
Letteratura e giornalismo: Dall'elzeviro alla rubrica d'autore 10
Letterkunde: Poésie et théâtre 5
Letterkunde: Roman et philosophie (1500-1800) 5
Line Academic Scientific Training Year for International students 2
Lineair Algebra for Computer Scientists 2 3
Linear & generalized linear models and linear algebra 9
Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists 1 3
Linear Analysis (BM) 6
Linguistica italiana. L'italiano contemporaneo: usi e strutture 5
Linguistics 3: The Syntax of English: Present and Past 5
Linguistics 5: English Sentence Structure and Word Formation 10
Linguistics 5: English Sentence Structure and Word Formation 10
Linguistics 5: English Sound Structure and Word Formation 10
Linguistics 6: Language Change 10
Linguistics of South Africa 5
Linguistique française: De la forme au sens 5
Linguistique française: Syntaxe du français 5
Literary careers: authorship in Dutch literature 1600-1800 5
Literature 3A: The American Renaissance, American Literature, 1620-1865 5
Literature 3B: Eighteenth-Century British Literature 5
Literature 4A: The Age of Realism: American Literature, 1865-1917 5
Literature 4B: British Literature: The Nineteenth Century 5
Literature 5A: American Literature, 1917 to the present 10