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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Art in Western Europe - 1800 5
Art on Paper & the Leiden University Collections 10
Artificial Intelligence 5
Arts and Material Culture of Japan 5
Aspect of contemporary Italian 10
Aspetti dell'italiano contemporaneo 5
Astro-Particle Physics 6
Astrochemistry 3
Astronomical Observing Techniques 5
Astronomical Relativity 6
Astronomical Spectroscopy 3
Astronomical Telescopes and Instruments 6
Astronomy Lab and Observing Project 5
Atherosclerosis 4
Attention: Theory and Practice 5
Audio Processing and Indexing 6
Bachelor Project: Presentation (S+N) 1
Bachelor Project: Presentation (S) 1
Bachelor Project: Research (N+S / S+N) 20
Bachelor Project: Research (S) 18
Bachelor project: Research, Thesis and Presentation (N+W) 24
Bachelor Project: Thesis (S+N) 3
Bachelor Project: Thesis (S) 3
Bachelor Research Project (S+W) 24
Beginners Course 1A - Language Acquisition I 0
Bio-Modeling 6
Biodiversity and Society 6
Bioinorganic Catalysis (BIOC) 6
Biomaterials (BMAT) 6
Biomedical Academic Scientific Training for exchange students 2
Bionanotechnology (BNT) 6
Biophysics 6
Biophysics and Bioengineering for Pharmaceutical Sciences 4
Biopsychology and Neuropsychology 5
Biosynthetic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (BPC) 6
Biotechnology Science Projects and Entrepreneurship 12
Blood-Brain Barrier: Drug Transport to the Brain 4
Border Criminologies: The Criminalization of Mobility 5
Brazil: Construction of a World Power 5
Buddhist Art 5
Building Blocks of Quantum Matter 6
Business Accounting 5
Cancer Immunity and Immunotherapy 15
Capolavori moderni e contemporanei 5
Case Studies on Moroccan Culture and Society 5
Causal inference 5
Cell Membranes and Membrane Transport (CMMT) 4
Cellular Therapies 15
Chemical Biology (CB) 6
Chemical Energy Transition: From Nanoscience to Technology 4