
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Expression et compréhension orales I 5
Expression et compréhension orales II 5
Expression et compréhension orales III 5
Family Law 5
Field school 2 10
Film and Philosophy 10
Film and TV Series: from Fantomas to Mr Robot 10
Film Genres 5
Filosofie en religie van China 5
Financial Law 5
Financial Management 3
Financial Management 3
Financial Management (minor) 3
Financial Reporting 5
Focus on Italy 5
Forensic Psychiatry 5
Forensische aspecten van kindermishandeling 5
Foundations of Computer Science 1 6
Foundations of Computer Science 2 6
Foundations of computer science 3 3
French Culture I: Histoire et culture 5
French Culture II: Culture et société 5
French Culture III: Francophonies 5
From Aram to Zakho 5
From Columbus to Castro. History of the Caribbean 5
From the Pilgrims to the Present: An Introduction to American Studies 5
From the Pilgrims to the Present: An Introduction to American Studies (Minor/Pre-master) 10
Frontiers of Measurement Techniques 3
Functional Analysis (MM) 8
Fysica van Moderne Technologie 3
Galaxies and Cosmology 5
General History of the Contemporary Time (AGC) 5
General History of the Early Modern Period (AGN) 5
General History of the Early Modern Period (AGN) 5
Genome organization and maintenance in cancer and aging (GCA) 6
Georgian Language for Beginners 5
Geschiedenis Midden-Oosten 1 (600-1500) 5
Gewone differentiaalvergelijkingen (Analyse 3) 6
Gezinspedagogiek 5
Gilgamesh, Mozes, Echnaton: godsdienst in het oude Nabije Oosten 5
Global Christianity 5
Global Connections 5
Global Memory Practices 5
Globalisering en Postkoloniale Literatuurtheorie 10
Golden texts from the Renaissance 5
Governance & Ethics 5
Grammaire et vocabulaire I 5
Grammaire et vocabulaire II 5
Grammar Modern Hebrew 3 5
Greek and Roman Philosophy 5